Teaching goals for the next five years

The teaching strategy arises from my own experiences as an adult Master’s student without previous computer science background (and with a full-time job, big house, two dogs, two kids, three lambs and so on…). When participating the basic teaching with young co-students, there were definetly many situations to learn from the pedagogical point of view. Similarly, my eight years of business experience with leadership education (MBA) completed with management courses and coaching experience gives me perspective to season my teaching.

I have been teaching now for two years as a shared principal lecturer in two courses (3-5 ECTS and 5 ECTS, listed below). Currently, I am preparing a third course, which enables me the role of one of three principal lecturers and the possibility to design the course materials and utilise flipping. I studied my pedagogical studies in 2022, and since then, I have been actively developing the following goals and tools for teaching.

My teaching goals

  1. Make the above teaching strategy fluent and rolling. Once the materials are high-quality and the schedules are rolling, I have time to face the students truly, coaching time!
  2. The aim is to test and develop teaching methods in order to find and share good practices.
  3. Renew the materials and methods for the two machine-learning courses
  4. Supervise the thesis by paying attention to removing obstacles from students’ work using new tools.
  5. Supervise PhD students encouraging them to work in a team that has a sparring atmosphere. One of my goals is to mentor them to explore the nature of an Academic career and enable them to effectively learn skills of selling research (funding), communication and building a versatile CV.
  6. Work as a sparring and inspiring colleague, maintaining an open and good working atmosphere and helping others if needed
  7. Continue ongoing work by bringing more sensors and hands-on hardware experiences to students. I am building a small machine vision laboratory in the corner of the office, which offers students Raspberry Pi4 platforms with Raspberry Pi cameras, Basler sensors, four PCs and optical components. This work will continue: for example, with marketing so that students will find devices for their thesis and other projects.
  8. Communication. Besides scientific research (Postdoctoral researcher in FireMan project), I will continue developing araita.com pages. The science I publish will transform into a form that is easy to find and easier to approach.
  9. Pay attention and respond to the different needs of adult students.