About the author

PhD in computer science, MBA in entrepreneurship and business competence

Photo: JYU / Petteri Kivimäki
Anna-Maria Raita-Hakola

Anna-Maria defended her dissertation in December 2022. At the same time, she finalised her five-year-long journey of deepening her skills into a new career. Her computer science master studies started in January 2017 when she wrote her “Hello world” in C#, with no previous experience in programming.

Before her career change, she has been working in the business field, including versatile tasks in marketing, productizing, sales, accounting, customer service, business management, and HR. She has collected approximately 8 to 10 years experience of in leadership (maternity leaves affect the number of years). During her years as a team leader, she participated in several management and leadership programs provided by the companies she worked for. The work experience arises from SMEs, listed companies and the public domain (the Social Insurance Institution (SII)).

Currently, she is a PhD in computer science, with a wide experience and skills from sensor-level programming to data processing and analysis. During her studies, she was lucky to be hired to the Spectral imaging laboratory, where she has been working for nearly five years.

She started as a software developer, and she is the main author of the CubeView software, which is software for hyperspectral imaging and analysis for VTTs prototype imagers. She is capable of designing and implementing machine vision systems, from the device workflows enabling scientific spectral data gathering with customised user interfaces.

The gathered work experience during her master’s studies related heavily to designing and implementing device-controlling phases for machine vision sensors and optical components and user interface developing tasks.

After she graduated (MSc), she focused on computational data analysis, achieving Aaltonen Säätiö grant. She has been developing three new machine learning methods (New versions of Minimal Learning Machine, MLM, see Nokia awards 2022) and skin cancer research from hyperspectral (HS) images, using data that is captured with the CubeView Hospital imaging system, which she developed.

The skin cancer research was conducted using convolutional neural networks and 3D HS imaging. During her doctoral studies, she worked as a part-time machine vision engineer at Solteq Robotics (see the award-winning retail robot).

Currently, she continues her research in the field of computational data science (wildfire detection and prediction, FireMan project). She is a teacher of machine learning, anomaly detection and machine vision courses at the University of Jyväskylä. She is building a machine vision laboratory, a concept that allows students to get hands-on with machine vision sensors and Raspberry Pi cameras. She works as a supervisor for two master’s students and two research assistants and begins supervising a graduate student this spring. She enjoys teaching and actively tests and develops methods that are close to leadership methods, allowing the students to be active, and see and understand the meaning of the subjects related to their career dreams.

Aiming for academic or business-research collaboration? Feel free to contact! Click here to see Anna’s current contact information at the University of Jyväskylä.