List of publications
A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles (2019-2023)
- Lindholm Vivian, Annala Leevi, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Jeskanen Leila, Koskenmies Sari, Pitkänen Sari, Isoherranen Kirsi, Pölönen Ilkka, Salmivuori Mari and Ranki Annamari (2022) Discriminating basal cell carcinoma and bowen’s disease from benign lesions with a 3d hyperspectral imaging system and convolutional neural networks. In JAAD international Status: (Submitted). &
- Rahkonen Samuli, Lind Leevi, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Kiiskinen Sampsa, & Pölönen Ilkka (2022). Reflectance Measurement Method Based on Sensor Fusion of Frame-Based Hyperspectral Imager and Time-of-Flight Depth Camera. In Sensors, 22(22), 8668, &
- Lindholm Vivian, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Annala Leevi, Salmivuori Mari, Jeskanen Leila, Saari Heikki, Koskenmies Sari, Pitkänen Sari, Pölönen Ilkka, Isoherranen Kirsi and Ranki Annamari (2022). Differianting Malignant from Bening Pigmented or Non-pigmented Skin Tumors – a Pilot Study on 3D Hyperspectral Imaging and convolutional neural networks. In MDPI – Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 11, Number 7, Pages 1914, #
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Annala Leevi, Lindholm Vivian, Trops Roberts, Näsilä Antti, Saari Heikki, Ranki Annamari and Pölönen Ilkka (2022). FPI Based Hyperspectral Imager for Complex Skin Surfaces – Calibration, illumination and applications. In MDPI Sensors, Volume 22, Number 9, Pages 3420, #
- Raita-Hakola, Anna-Maria and Pölönen Ilkka (2022) . Updating Strategies for Distance Based Classification Model with Recursive Least Squares. In ISPRS – Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,, 2022. * #
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria and Pölönen Ilkka (2021). Piecewise Anomaly Detection Using Minimal Learning Machine for Hyperspectral Images. ISPRS – Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, * #
- Hakola Anna-Maria and Pölönen Ilkka (2020). Minimal Learning Machine in Hyperspectral imaging classification. SPIE – Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Proceedings Volume 11533, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVI; 115330R,, Jyx * #
- Pölönen Ilkka, Riihiaho Kimmo, Hakola Anna-Maria and Annala Leevi (2020). Minimal learning machine in anomaly detection from hyperspectral images. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. &
- Trops Roberts, Hakola Anna-Maria, Jääskeläinen Severi, Näsilä Antti, Leevi Annala, Eskelinen Matti A.,Saari Heikki,Pölönen Ilkka and Rissanen Anna (2019). Miniature MOEMS Hyperspectral Imager with versatile analysis tools. SPIE – Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Proceedings Volume 10931, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII; 109310W,, Jyx #
* Awarded articles/dissertation: Nokia Foundation Scholarship 2022, intended for Method and code release during 2023
# Highlight the most important articles
& Article is not included in the dissertation
Publications in work to be submitted 2023
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Tarvainen Anni, Honkavaara Eija and Pölönen Ilkka (2023). A review: The most important data characteristics used in deep learning methods for UAV-based wildfire detection: from sensor selection to data pre-processing. To be submitted in July 2023 In MDPI Sensors, Deep Learning and Transformers’ Methods Applied to Remotely Captured Data. Current readiness status: 70%.
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Pölönen Ilkka (2023). Wildfire detection methods for boreal forests using transfer learning and YOLO. To be submitted June 2023 for ISPRS Geospatial weeks 2023 In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Current readiness status: 50%.
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Pölönen Ilkka, Honkavaara Eija (2023). Annotated open access boreal forests datasets for wildfire detection. To be released and published in September 2023. Current readiness status: 20%.
B Non-refereed scientific article
C Scientific books (monographs)
D Publications intended for professional communities
Educational open-access materals
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria (2023). From sensors to analysis. An open access web book based on author’s publications and dissertation. A teaching material for machine vision, computer vision and machine learning in
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria (2023). Leadership, coaching and teaching. An open accessa web series of coaching and teaching methods in
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria (2023). Scientific communication. An open accessa web series on how to build a personal brand as a scientist in
Course materials
Hursti Mikko, Puuppo Joonas, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Riihiaho Kimmo, Lind Leevi and Pölönen Ilkka *. Tekoälykurssi (jatkuvan oppiminen, in Finnish). TIM platform, To be published in spring 2023. Current readiness status: 70%. *Current team will have more members before the course is ready.
KYBS3050 course materials (machine learning), course materials for autumn 2023 are under development
KYBS7041 course material (anomaly detection), course materials for autumn 2023 are under development
TIES411 course materials, (machine vision and image analysis), based on From sensors to analysis – posts
- Lindholm Vivian, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Annala Leevi, Salmivuori Mari, Jeskanen Leila, Koskenmies Sari, Pitkänen Sari, Saari Heikki, Pölönen Ilkka, Isoherranen Kirsi, Ranki Annamari (2022) Differentiating Malignant from Benign for Melanocytic and Non-melanocytic Skin Tumors : A Pilot Study on Hyperspectral Imaging and Convolutional Neural Networks. In Acta Dermato-Venereologica. **
- Salmivuori Mari, Lindholm Vivian, Annala Leevi, Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria, Jeskanen Leila, Pölönen Ilkka, Koskenmies Sari, Pitkänen Sari, Isoherranen Kirsi, Ranki Annamari (2022). Discriminating Basal Cell Carcinoma and Bowen’s Disease with Novel Hyperspectral Imaging System and Convolutional Neural Networks. In Acta Dermato-Venereologica
- Raita-Hakola, Anna-Maria and Pölönen Ilkka (2022) . Updating Strategies for Distance Based Classification Model with Recursive Least Squares. In ISPRS – Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXIV ISPRS Conference
** Best poster award
E Publications intended for the general public
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria and Annala Leevi (2022). Monitieteistä ihosyöpätutkimusta tekoälyn ja konenäön avulla. In Ai-Hub Keski-Suomi
F Public artistic and design activities
- 2021 The user interface and workflow design and implementation: CubeView Hospital software for skin surface 3D hyperspectral imaging (HS). Hospital version for Piezo actuated metallic mirror Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers, utilised in data collection for scientific SICSURFIS articles (A 1, A 3 and A 4).
- 2020 The user interface and workflow design and implementation: CubeView software for hyperspectral imaging (HS) and image analysis. The laboratory version for Piezo actuated metallic mirror Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers was utilised in Thesis G 1.
- 2019 The user interface and workflow design and implementation: CubeView software for hyperspectral imaging (HS) and image analysis. Laboratory version for MOEMS Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers. Featured in article A 9.
G Theses
- Raita-Hakola Anna-Maria (2022). From sensors to machine vision systems: Exploring machine vision, computer vision and machine learning with hyperspectral imaging applications. Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä, JYU dissertations. Retrieved from Doctoral thesis. *
- Hakola Anna-Maria (2019). Design thinking asiakaslähtöisessä ohjelmistokehityksessä. Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä, Pro Gradu thesis, Mathematical Information Technology. Retrieved from: &&
- Hakola Anna-Maria (2016). Kansainvälisen virtuaalitiimin johtaminen. Jyväskylä, Finland. JAMK University of applied sciences. Thesis for the Master of Business Administration. Retrieved from: &
* Avarded articles/dissertation: Nokia Foundation Scholarship 2022, intended for Method and code release during 2023
& Highlight for high interest: Over 1000 downloads
&& Highlight for high interest: Over 900 downloads
I Audiovisual material, ICT software
- 2021 CubeView Hospital software for skin surface 3D hyperspectral imaging (HS). Hospital version for Piezo actuated metallic mirror Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers, utilised in data collection for scientific SICSURFIS articles (A 1, A 3 and A 4).
- 2020 CubeView software for hyperspectral imaging (HS) and image analysis. The laboratory version for Piezo actuated metallic mirror Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers was utilised in Thesis G 1.
- 2019 CubeView software for hyperspectral imaging (HS) and image analysis. Laboratory version for MOEMS Fabry-Pérot interferometer HS imagers. Featured in article A 9.
The listed software contains examples of pioneering software for prototype devices. The author’s contribution was comprehensive, from hardware controls to analyses, workflow and user interfaces. The implementations were done using Python and PyQt5.
The publication list is written according to the format of the Academy of Finland